サイズ06ウエスト82/ 股上38/ 股下73/ 裾幅56ウエストと裾は紐で調整可能【素材】綿100%【生産国】日本定価 50000程着用回数3回大変綺麗なシルエットで最近トレンドのノームコア系のファッションに最適です。united tokyo stein sunsea dulcamara comoli unused sacai uru yoku essay neon sign nonnative yaeca Edwina horl lad musician JieDa ETHOSENS Burberry CLANE CULLNI GroundY LIBERUM marka MARKAWARE text MIHARA YASUHIRO RAINMAKER soe Sulvam superNOVA White Mountaineering WRAPINKNOT Y-3 yoshiokubo ka na ta COMME des GARCONS ohta my beautiful landlet hatra attachment kazuyuki kumagai n.hollywood discovered soshiotsuki kudos undercover bed j.w. ford steven alan trove acne anei lui's wizzard factotum iroquois john lawrence sullivan chloma ffixxed studios neverlamp stof bedsidedrama storama BEAMS HARE SHIPS EDIFICE LOVELESS URBAN RESEARCH LIDNM リドム ノームコアauralee comoli e.tautz graphpaper lechoppe neatkuro maatee and sons herill the reracs batoner heugn mainu westoveralls seeall studio nicholson nicenessAllege amachi. CAMIEL FORTGENS、class、CMMN SWDN、corekiyo、DELADA、Dries Van