Pokémon Card Rayquaza EX SR XY6 1ED\r\rType: Single Card\rSeries: XY/XYBREAK\rSet: Expansion Pack - Emerald Break (JPN)\rRarity: SR (Super Rare)\rAppraisal Status: Not Appraised\r\r- The card is stored in a sleeve in a dark, humidity-free environment.\r- Returns and exchanges are not accepted. Please thoroughly inspect the condition through photos before making a purchase.\r- Additional photos will be provided, so feel free to request them.\r\rIf you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.\r\rポケモンカード レックウザEX SR XY6 1ED\r\r種別...シングルカード\rシリーズ...XY/XYBREAK\rセット...拡張パック エメラルドブレイク\rレアリティ...SR\r鑑定状況...未鑑定\r\r\rXY\rBW\rSM\rADV\rDP\rL\rGX SR SSR\rCHR\rVMAX EX\rLEGEND\rPROMO\rEDITION\rBREAK\rCharizard\rPlasma\rNanjaMo\rMarie Kai Lucia\rLusamine Cynthia Lillie\rLugia\rMirror\rSAR\rRare\rUnlimited\r151\rMaster Ball\rCharizard EX\rMew VMAX UR\rPokemon\rPokemon Card\rPokemon Card Game\rPokémon\rCard\rSpecial Art\rBulk Sale\rSonia Shield\rCharizard Shiny\rBlastoise Venusaur\rPikachu Kamitsure\rGengar Mew\rRayquaza Mewtwo