ご覧頂きありがとうございます。【新品未使用】縞黒檀の下刃定規です。使用する前は下刃定規を合体したまま鉋で削り2枚に分けて光に当てて光が漏れてないか何回も削って光漏れがないか確認してから使用して下さい。真っ黒な本黒檀と縞模様の縞黒檀と好みは別れますね。#HOUZAN大工道具鉋Thank you very much for seeing it.[New and unused]This is a striped ebony lower blade ruler.Leave the lower blade ruler combined before use.I shaved it with a plane, divided it into two pieces, and exposed it to the light, and the light leaked out.Please scrape it several times to make sure there is no light leakage before use.Pure black ebony and striped ebonyYou may have different tastes